Thank you to our community partners:

The Miracle-Ear Foundation serves children and adults who have a hearing loss. Our Gift of Sound™ program provides hearing aids and hearing support services at no cost to families or individuals who have limited incomes, who are unable to afford the cost of quality hearing instruments, and who have exhausted all possible resources for their hearing health. Hearing challenges are unique; every application for service and support is considered on an individual basis. Full Gift of Sound eligibility guidelines can be found here.

Dallas, TX - April 13th

A record-setting mission!

We brought the Gift of Sound™ to Dallas in a big Texas-sized way! Check out the Miracle Mission recap here.

If you missed this special one-day event, know that we gift hearing aids daily all across the country, so see if you qualify for no-cost hearing aids by visiting a local Miracle-Ear store or applying below.