Kid’s Health Improves by Applying New Obesity Guidelines

Hiba Salhah, MD; Ihuoma Eneli, MD, MS


April 24, 2023

At age 15 years, Maya was referred by her primary care provider to our pediatric obesity center. She weighed 151 kg and had a body mass index (BMI) > 48. One year earlier, she had been diagnosed with hypertension and prediabetes.

Hiba Salhah, MD

A review of her growth charts showed that she had been in the 95th percentile at age 8 years. Her weight had steadily risen, with an exponential increase of 55 lb between 2020 and 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her primary care provider monitored her from age 8 to 12 years, providing nutrition and physical activity counseling.

This January, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new clinical practice guidelines for managing childhood obesity. These guidelines reflect our increased understanding of obesity as a complex chronic disease. A better understanding of the pathophysiology has challenged the old-worn concept of lack of will power and personal responsibility as the cause of obesity, which has been the basis for weight-related bias and stigma. The updated guidelines have also been influenced by lifestyle intervention studies, the US Food and Drug Administration approval of new anti-obesity medications, and the 2013 designation of obesity as a disease by the American Medical Association.

We used these updated guidelines in our approach to treating Maya.

Starting With the Assessment

In the new AAP guidelines, assessing the genetic, environmental, and social-determinant risks for obesity form the basis for evaluation and intervention. Following this approach, we conducted a complete medical evaluation of Maya, including a review of her symptoms and her family history along with a physical examination to assess for comorbidities and other cause of obesity (eg, genetic, hypothyroidism).

We also collected information regarding her diet and behaviors (eg, drinking sweet beverages, fruit and vegetable intake, parent feeding style, portion sizes, emotional eating, hyperphagia), physical activity behaviors (eg, physical education, organized sports), screen time, social drivers of health (eg, food insecurity, neighborhood, school environment), family and household factors (eg, family composition, support, number of caregivers, parenting style) and mental and physical health (autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, history of being bullied, developmental and physical disabilities). Because Maya had a BMI of 48, she met the criterion for severe obesity, which is having a BMI ≥ 120% of the 95th percentile.

The guidelines use BMI as a criterion for screening for obesity because it is inexpensive and easy to obtain in the clinic setting. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth chart uses BMI as well. Recently, there has been controversy about solely using BMI to define obesity, which is a point that the guidelines address by emphasizing evaluation of the whole child along with BMI to make a diagnosis of obesity.

The child's age and the severity of their obesity drive the evaluation for comorbidities and treatment. In children aged 10 years or older, pediatricians and other primary care providers should evaluate for lipid abnormalities, abnormal glucose metabolism, and abnormal liver function in children and adolescents with obesity (BMI ≥ 95th percentile).

Maya presented with snoring, early-morning headaches, daytime sleepiness, and abdominal pain. A sleep study revealed an apnea-hypopnea index of 15, indicating obstructive sleep apnea, and she was placed on a continuous positive airway pressure machine.

Her laboratory studies showed elevated triglycerides of 169 mg/dL and abnormal alanine aminotransferase (123 IU/L). Potential causes of elevated liver function test results (such as abnormal ceruloplasmin levels or infectious or autoimmune hepatitis) were excluded, and a liver ultrasound with elastography indicated steatohepatitis. Maya was referred to gastroenterology for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Maya experienced depressive symptoms, including difficulty with peer relationships and declining academic performance. Her Patient Health Questionnaire 9 score was 21, with a moderate impact on her daily functioning. Prior attempts at counseling had been sporadic and not helpful. She was diagnosed with intermittent moderate clinical depression, started on a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and resumed counseling with a new therapist.

Considering Treatment Options

Based on shared decision-making, our team began a more intensive lifestyle behavior treatment as recommended in the updated guidelines. Maya chose to decrease sugar-sweetened beverages as her initial nutrition goal, a change that can lead to a reduction of liver function test results and triglycerides, even in the absence of weight loss.

As emphasized in the guidelines, we stressed the importance of managing obesity and comorbidities concurrently to the family. In addition to lifestyle behavior intervention, once her mental health stabilized, Maya and her mother opted for bariatric surgery: Sleeve gastrectomy was elected because she met the criteria.

If the child already has obesity, the guidelines discourage watchful waiting (ie, the expectation that the child will grow into their weight) as Maya's primary care provider had done when she was younger. The staged treatment approach where progressively more intensive interventions are adopted (a hallmark of the 2007 guidelines) is no longer recommended. Rather, the primary care provider should offer treatment options guided by age, severity of obesity, and comorbidities.

Maya completed a bariatric pre-op program, extensive mental health evaluation, and tolerated the sleeve gastrectomy well with no complications. At her 6-month post-op visit, she had lost 99 lb (45 kg) since the surgery, with an 18% decline in BMI. She is taking daily multivitamins as well as calcium and vitamin D. She continues to incorporate healthy eating into her life, with a focus on adequate protein intake and is exercising three to four times per week in the apartment complex gym. She reports better physical and mental health, her school performance has improved, and she still receives regular counseling.

Maya's story outlines the benefits of early and intensive intervention as recommended by the new AAP guidelines. The shift from some of the earlier recommendations is partly driven by the persistence of childhood obesity into adulthood, especially for older children with serious psychosocial and physical comorbidities. Hopefully by implementing the new guidelines, the physician can provide empathetic, bias-free, and effective care that recognizes the needs and environment of the whole child.

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